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Who We Are

Working Towards a Universal Human Nation

Pangea East supports personal fulfillment and human unity through a connection with the sacred in everyday life.

Pangea East helps build a world where the human being is the central value, diversity and liberty of thought are celebrated, and all interaction is rooted in principles of active nonviolence.

Home: Who We Are

What We Do


Hudson Valley Park

The Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection (HVP), located in Kingston NY, is the flagship initiative of Pangea East. It was founded in 2010 by volunteers of the Humanist Movement and The Community of Silo’s Message, two initiatives inspired by the works of Silo , the Argentine author, teacher, and renowned proponent of active nonviolence.

HVP is one of 50 autonomous Parks of Study & Reflection that have been built to date around the world. These parks form a global constellation of centers that serve as a gateway to the Profound and are dedicated to developing the human consciousness and promoting the advancement of nonviolence. Located outside of major cities, the parks serve as sanctuaries from urban living, offering opportunities for reflection and inspiration as well as hubs for dialogue, shared learning, and collective action among individuals and groups.


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Teaching Nonviolence

Pangea East promotes nonoviolence as a methodology of action and as a guiding principle for daily life.  Our study of nonviolence starts with an understanding of the origins of violence (in all its forms) and the subsequent development of interperosnal  and social response that are based not on revenge or imposition but onon the age-old principle of treating others as one wants to be treated.  For us, nonviolence is not just a moral issue but rather an essential component of the evolutionary development of the human being.


Nonviolence is tuafght through experiential workshops, seminars and lectures, and through campigns and social justice actions.

Home: What We Do

Board of Directors

Pangea East is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization incorporated in New York State in 2010. Our work is carried out by a diverse team of volunteers and overseen by a Board of Directors.

Home: Meet the Team

Dennis Redmond, President

Dennis has been a volunteer organizer with the Humanist Movement since 1986. He served as the US Coordinator of The World March for Peace and Nonviolence (2009) and oversees the NYC chapter of the Community for Human Development.  Redmond works as the Chief Strategy Office for Queens Community House, a multi-service settlement house.

Yolanda Andersson, Secretary

Yolanda is the co-owner of Artisanal Prints. She is a member of The Community of Silo’s Message and a longtime activist for the Colombian peace process.

Mark Farrell, Treasurer

Mark has been associated with the study and teaching of Silosit thought since 1973, in San Francisco, Houston and New York. He is currently an organizer with The Community of Silo’s Message. He works for Barnard College.

Jaimini Bhatt

Jaimini is a software engineer working for a leading Connecticut healthcare provider. He first became aware of the writings of Silo in Mumbai, where he was born.

Michael Ishii

Michael is an Assistant Professor and Clinical Chair at the University of Bridgeport Acupuncture Institute. He is Co-chair of the NY Day of Remembrance Committee and former president of Japanese American Citizens League-NY Chapter.

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